Saturday, 6 February 2010


I had a very productive Saturday down at the Pearce Institute Reshuffle with the Unity gang, and came home with a spice rack (it was going free) and a scary pile of anarchist stuff which probably tells you a few things about the impact studying sociology and anthropology with my particular department had on me. Of course, much of it, on having a flick through is getting dispatched to Uncle Alan (this blogs no.1 fan!) and Shimmy for his degree.

It was quite a good day. The Unity in the Community bookshop opened today. And is the only shop in Govan to have a sort of sociology section. My geekiness knows no bounds. It is perhaps also the best bookshop in Glasgow, not only because I'm biased and will say such things, but also because it is a second hand bookshop that sells books at reasonable prices, unlike most, so skint people can actually afford to get a decent book for peanuts. There is a history section I very much have my eye on too.

The reshuffle was a lot of fun. I picked up quite a few pamphlets, etc from the Unity stall that should be very useful to me in my voluntary work. It's rather difficult to come across current asylum literature I find, and I like being up to date. It was cool seeing just how many local groups there are kicking about in Govan doing their own thing. I particularly liked the Radical Independent Bookfair, who happened to have books on all the stuff I studied at uni. Would have been very handy then, but nothing to stop me enjoying it now as I'm still very interested. One thing I thought was cracking was the fact that they have a book swap, where you can take your own radical book that you enjoyed and swap it for something else. I practically started salivating at that as I have a lot of books that I can swap. I've signed up to the mailing list and will no doubt be at their next event with some tomes to swap!

The day was rounded off by a very nice dinner at the house a lot of the Unity boys recently moved into nearby. I have promised to knit Patch the dog (who really runs the house) a black anarchy hoodie. So next time I see him, I'll have to measure him up.

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