Monday, 26 October 2009

Most pointless strike ever?

So, the UK postal system has come to a standstill because the little darlings that work for Royal Mail aren't happy about something, throwing their dummies out the pram and gone on strike. I do find it laughable. Striking for conditions etc? It should be the public striking thanks to the shoddy service provided. I don't trust the Post Office as far as I could fling it. Stuff always seems to be getting lost. And the amount of times I've fallen over a pile of mail left outside the close (some letters being ripped open by opportunistic passers-by as a result) because the postie couldn't get in and didn't bother bringing it back the next day. Not to mention the few times we've seen a postie helping themselves to our mail! Of course, not all are like that, but there are those who give the rest a bad name.

So my job hunting is slightly up the swanney as I can't post anything out as it wouldn't arrive on time. Aside from that, I've had interview invitations not arrive till very late, or in the case of The Boy, not arrive at all and potential jobs lost as a consequence. At the end of last week, he got an email from a potential employer who seemed to be from a parallell universe sending him an email late on Thursday night asking him to return the attached equal opportunities form by post first thing the next day. I don't think he was amused.

The part of me that really would like to get a job is thinking the time could be ripe for applying for one of the many temp jobs with the PO to cover the industrial unrest and xmas (though I get the impression they are now filled); the leftie mild Marxist part of me is not wanting to be a 'scab' and my inner big feartie doesn't fancy racing for safety through the streets of Glasgow, pursued by burly striking postal staff yelling 'scab' and wanting to kick seven shades out of me. I think the inner big feartie wins!

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